Oh, and just so you all know...

I don't actually believe any of this. Most of this is just things me and my friends just kinda think of while having random conversations, and I am confident they don't as well. But as one of them said to me, "Wow, you've got some balls saying that. No one would say that out loud, even though everyone thinks it."

And it's true. We all have these thoughts every now and then. So I'm posting them here, because everything should at least be spoken, if only to realize the ridiculousness of it. And these things are ridiculous, but some would think it wasn't. But my logic is, after seeing it written or hearing it said, you realize how stupid most of these things are. After all, if I don't say it, who will?

So without further delay, here are the ramblings and thoughts of xDurdenx and those I call my friends.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Make a Wish Foundation?

The Make a Wish Foundation grants wishes to children who are terminally ill. According to the Make a Wish website, "To receive a wish, the child must be diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition – i.e., a progressive, degenerative or malignant condition that has placed the child’s life in jeopardy." What a waste of a perfectly good wish. Why grant wishes to kids who are likely to die? If they die, its a total waste of wish because they won't grow to remember it and well, they'd be dead. And if they live, we just spent a ton of money granting the wish of a kid who was never actually about to die, which also strikes me as a giant waste of money.

Another reason we shouldn't be granting them wishes is that they've done nothing to deserve it. Yea, you're sick, who the fuck cares? You think that earns you a wish? Most people who work actual jobs don't get to do stuff that awesome, and they're actually productive members of society. What've you done to help anyone but yourself, taking all those kind people's money just so you can have your "wish" granted, and doing nothing in return but dying. That's the biggest con ever. They take more money from innocent, hard working people than con artists do, and they don't put any effort at all in it. If I get a disease, you know what I get? Nothing. You know why? Because I'm not a cute little child whose face will go on the cover of the Make a Wish Foundation's magazine in front of Disney World just to satisfy the donors into thinking their money was well spent. Seriously, on the Make a Wish's website there isn't a single picture of an ugly kid. You know why? Because ugly kids lower amount of donations. So all the Foundation is doing is granting wishes to kids who don't deserve them, and teaching kids that in the end looks are what matters if you want to get cooler stuff than those around you. My bet is that all those kids who get better even though they said they were ill end up as prostitutes, because the Make a Wish Foundation teaches kids bad life lessons, telling them they can get lots of stuff for no work and that only the good looking deserve rewards.

They say they grant a wish every 40 mintutes, yet the world still sucks. Here's a few wishes to grant, end the economy crisis, the Iraq War, begin world peace, cure cancer, end world hunger. But no, instead you take a 7 year old Texan and make him an honorary Department of Public Saftey officer and use taxpayer dollars to give him a ride in a helicopter to tour the city and give him a three car plus a motorcycle escort. Sure, this tax money could be used in putting up better border security there in Texas where this took place, or you could just spend it on someone who shortly repaid the world by doing nothing but dying two days later. Once again, people just don't know how to be grateful...


  1. Being crass and uncouth is not funny in and of itself. God knows why I was linked to your blog by some douche on Gamespot.

  2. Trolling troll fails. GTFO. This shit is great.
