Oh, and just so you all know...

I don't actually believe any of this. Most of this is just things me and my friends just kinda think of while having random conversations, and I am confident they don't as well. But as one of them said to me, "Wow, you've got some balls saying that. No one would say that out loud, even though everyone thinks it."

And it's true. We all have these thoughts every now and then. So I'm posting them here, because everything should at least be spoken, if only to realize the ridiculousness of it. And these things are ridiculous, but some would think it wasn't. But my logic is, after seeing it written or hearing it said, you realize how stupid most of these things are. After all, if I don't say it, who will?

So without further delay, here are the ramblings and thoughts of xDurdenx and those I call my friends.

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Indians (American ones, not fix your computer ones) should assimilate or die.

Indians, Native Americans, whatever you want to call them, have been in North America for thousands of years. They are a proud people, and have achieved lives of almost perfect harmony with nature in the past, and they deserve to die now, just as they did then.

They were total pansies, and then we try to a good deed and civilize them, and what do those sons of bitches do? They try to kill us. So what if their families have lived there for thousands of years? There was gold on the land they lived in, and gold is the property of white men, no matter where it is, or who supposedly "owns" it. And only one man had the balls to do what needed to be done, and yes, I am referring to President Andrew Jackson. He kicked the Cherokee off of our gold, and put them where they belong, out of our way. So what if the Supreme Court said we didn't have the right to, word on the street is Cheif Justice John Marshall liked little Indians boys if you know what I'm saying.

And then, when we finally try to move farther west, they have the audacity to try to fight us, on the grounds that we moved them there and signed treaties saying so. What they forgot is what I like to call the We're-American-so-we-do-what-we-want clause, so even the western land they lived on was undisputably ours.

And in all fairness to us killing them, they never took the time to invent guns. And we all know that if you don't invent means of efficiently killing people that you deserve to die. So here's the scoop, either you Indians finally accept our gracious offers and start acting like Americans and move off these "reservations", or go find the smallpox infested blankets your ancestors used during the French and Indian war that Lord Jeffrey Amherst generously provided you as a symbol of peace. And yet, despite this offering, you guys still seem to harbor some sort of grudge. I guess some people just don't know how to be grateful...

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